Whilst development is a critical and necessary part of our society, we believe that it needs to be ‘done right’.
We can prepare submissions to the relevant authority on planning policy issues such as draft LEP’s or State policies. Unfortunately we do not prepare objections to specific Development Applications (DA’s).
Often our written submissions are followed up by representations and attendance at Local or Regional Planning Panel meetings.
Due to our experience in this forum we are often known to Panel members and this, as well as making compelling arguments, results in a positive outcome for our clients. Quite often new planning controls are proposed to be introduced that can have significant adverse impacts on your property. However, they also have the potential to significantly increase property value. We have a wealth of experience in reviewing draft plans such as Local Environmental Plans (LEP’s) and Development Control Plans (DCP’s) and can tell you whether these plans will have negative or positive impacts on your property.
Examples of planning submissions we have provided include:
Our intimate knowledge of the planning legislation allows us to pick up on crucial matters that you could miss without professional assistance. A well considered submission by an expert will invariably carry more weight with those assessing the application. Further, our familiarity with those making the decisions will give you every chance of a positive outcome.